立即试用 商务报价
Create Device on edge and provision to cloud

Create Device on edge and provision to cloud


Device management on edge

Device entity could be created directly on the edge and pushed to the cloud in case connection established.

In case Edge connected to ThingsBoard CE any tenant administrator user is able to create device entities on the edge.

In case Edge connected to ThingsBoard PE any user that has DEVICE write operation is able to create device entities on the edge.

Once device created on the edge this device is going to be pushed for the creation on the cloud.

If Edge connected to ThingsBoard CE a newly created device will be ‘assigned’ to the edge automatically.

If Edge connected to ThingsBoard PE a newly created device:

  • will be created on the cloud
  • new device entity group will be created, with specific name template: [Edge] ${NAME_OF_EDGE} All.
  • a newly created device will be added to group above
  • group above will be ‘assigned’ to the edge automatically.

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